Carmine Gallo
The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success
- Innovation is a new way to move things forward. It’s something which makes a difference in a good way and makes our lives better.
- To make innovation happen, you need to communicate with people and get them involved.
- Innovation is one of the most important things to maintain or promote economic prosperity. Innovation can realize higher productivity / compensation / corporate earnings / employment rates and new products. It could increase the likelihood of economic growth.
- You need to continuously adapt your knowledge / experiences to changes of the world.
- To differentiate yourself/products/services from others, you have to ask yourself: “What should I do for our clients/customers so that they can easily do their jobs. That’s what innovations are for.
- Innovation and invent are different; they complement each other. Invent means designing and/or developing of new products/services/process. Innovation starts from a creative idea, and finally reach to the invent, products / services, process, or procedures.
- Limited numbers of people can be inventors while everybody can be an innovator.
- Innovation is something ordinary people do on a daily basis for their better lives.
- If you do not want to put your destiny / future into someone’s hands, then you have to make a decision by yourself, especially when somebody does not think about your own benefit.
- Do What You Love. Think differently about your career.
- Put a Dent in the Universe. Think differently about your vision.
- Kick Start Your Brain. Think differently about how you think.
- Sell Dreams, Not Products. Think differently about your customers.
- Say No to 1,000 Things. Think differently about design.
- Create Insanely Great Experiences. Think differently about your brand experience.
- Master the Message. Think differently about your story.
- For prosperity of a country, you have to have more start-ups rather than propping up troubled businesses. Start-ups are for the smart, creative, and someone who take risks with a passion. To take risks, courage and some craziness are needed.
- For someone who are too risk-averse and status-quo type:
- Do clarify what you really want to do.
- Do not always avoid responsibilities / risks.
- Do not overly emphasize on the continuity / consistency. Do adapt to changes.