
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by RogerFisher, William L. Ury

Focus on both principles and incentives of each other, not one's position. This is a well-balanced book, in terms of theories and examples.

Kindle Version

Kindle Version

Monday, May 23, 2016

Zero to One / Peter Thiel

To work on an eternal value-added process, don't do a commodity business; hold a monopolistic influence in a market.

Humans and computers are good at different things; a computer is just a tool to help a human (pursue a higher productivity), not a rival to replace a human.

Seven questions for a successful business:
1. Engineering
Breakthrough, not a gradual change
2. Timing
Appropriate timing to begin with?
3. Monopoly
Start with a small market that you can be dominant.
4. Team
Build a team.
5. Sales & Marketing
Not only product development, but sales & marketing
6. Eternity
A right positioning to survive in the market in the next 10-20 years?
7. Hidden truth
Nobody but you noticed the unique truth?

Kindle Version

Kindle Version

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Big Short by Michael Lewis

Markets could go too far without proper regulations. Greed is a precondition of financial markets because it drives the market. Having appropriate incentive systems under the precondition is a practical solution to avoid and/or mitigate impacts from financial crises.

To be a good investor, you have to be realistic and do your own deep research to see facts and doubt about what has been believed.

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine Kindle Edition by Michael Lewis

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine Kindle Edition by Michael Lewis

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Creativity is connecting dots.

Creativity is not creating something from scratch; rather, it's connecting dots, which are somebody's findings, knowledge, experience, works, and so on.

Deep Learning (Regression, Multiple Features/Explanatory Variables, Supervised Learning): Impelementation and Showing Biases and Weights

Deep Learning (Regression, Multiple Features/Explanatory Variables, Supervised Learning): Impelementation and Showing Biases and Weights ...